
We value our patients' experience at Keppler Chiropractic. If you are currently a patient, please feel free to submit your review to one of our social media pages or email us on our contact page.

  • Since you began treating me in 2010, my need for anti-inflammatory drugs for pain and stiffness has been gradually decreasing. During the last year, I have only needed one or two doses when I felt pain or stiffness instead of four to twelve or more. My need for these drugs has now decreased even further. Three and a half months have passed since I last took any anti-inflammatory drugs for pain and stiffness. My previous record was about two months. I seriously injured one of my shoulders about 50 years ago. That shoulder is now in the best condition it has been since before the injury.

    Show More - LF
  • My brother has been coming to Dr. Keppler since his accident (approximately 1 month). My brother was impressed with the services and skills of the staff. He surprised me with an appointment because I have had shoulder and neck discomfort for a long time. I appreciate the educational videos that I watched while waiting for my appointment. Dr. Keppler was personable, and I could tell he was caring and competent. When he showed me the results of my neck x-ray, I saw before my eyes the true reason for my discomfort. My neck was off-center! Upon my next appointment, I witnessed my first adjustment. It was great. My anticipation of feeling pain was alleviated because I actually felt good. Even seeing the lights go off in my brain was cool! Mai gave me my first traction treatment, and by listening to soothing music, I could have gone into meditation. I do not know everyone’s name yet but the front desk individuals are wonderful too! I’m ready to start my journey to 'Getting My Head On Straight.'

    Show More - MS
  • I am doing a lot better. My mid-back is handled and my neck has gotten a lot better. I’m not experiencing anything like the headaches I used to get. Problems with my knees and ankles are gone. Thanks so much!

    - RF

Keppler Chiropractic


5667 Freeport Blvd,
Sacramento, CA 95822


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10:00 am - 1:00 pm

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm




10:00 am - 1:00 pm

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm




10:00 am - 1:00 pm

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

